Node Provisioning

First boot

What needs to happen when a node first boots up?

  • It needs to find the network.

  • The TPM must be provisioned.

  • Storage should be provisioned.

  • Ansible should be run to set up any software.


  1. What should boot look like after the first PXE boot? - PXE boot and run ansible each time? - Install an image to the eMMC (or SD card), booting from that in

    the future and using the NVMe drive for storage?

    • Install an image to the NVMe drive and boot off that in the future?

  2. What can we do with the TPM? - It needs to be registered on first boot.

  3. What should be done in the initramfs vs cloud-init?

  4. What sort of clustering software should we use? - Some sort of container management? - Kubernetes?